Project Scope ·········
UX/UI, Design Research, Brand Identity, Trademark Development

Tools Used ·········
InDesign, Illustrator, Figma

Communication ·········
Facebook, WhatsApp, Google Forms

The Courage Charm

The Courage Charm app was driven by a powerful mission to empower women and help them break free from abusive relationships in South Africa. Women who find themselves in these situations often feel trapped, alone, and powerless. The Courage Charm app is designed to be a tool that gives women the strength and support they need to start a new life. The app provides information on legal resources, financial assistance, housing options, and counseling services. It offers a comprehensive range of both short-term and long-term solutions that can aid women in escaping their abusive relationships and building a brighter and happier future.

Our Mission

At The Courage Charm, we aim to empower women by equipping them with the tools and resources they need to break free from abusive relationships and find their inner strength, providing both short-term and long-term solutions such as financial advice, counseling, housing options, and legal resources.

User Onboarding

When downloading the app, users are presented with various sign-in options or the ability to continue as a guest to evaluate its value. They can choose to sign in using their email address, Google account, Facebook account, or through text message. This empowers users to make decisions based on their safety and concerns regarding privacy on their phone.


Verification Process

The app empowers women by providing financial stability and access to new career and employment opportunities. In order to assist women financially, the app offers both standard and emergency loan options, with flexible repayment plans. To ensure the validity of users, verification of identification is required. 

App Sections

The app consists of several key sections, each serving as a hub for specific functionalities and content, providing users with a seamless experience. The home screen serves as a valuable resource, offering women access to support and assistance during challenging times. On the financial and housing screen, users can make informed decisions tailored to their current needs, gaining insights into available financial aid and housing options. The safety screen is dedicated to enhancing personal security in public spaces, empowering users to request immediate emergency escorts or schedule them in advance, ensuring a heightened sense of safety. Through these sections, users can navigate, interact, and leverage the app's diverse features to address their unique requirements.

Financial Support

The financial support section provides users with the flexibility to choose between emergency and standard loans, depending on their immediate requirements. To access this support, users are required to fill out an online questionnaire and provide either proof of income or a description outlining the purpose of the loan. Additionally, they have the option to establish a payment plan spanning up to five years to repay the loan. This program aims to empower women by enabling them to achieve financial independence.